This week the Software Process and Measurement Cast 770 features my interview with Jess Brock.  Jess and I talked about her new book, The Dojo Coach’s Pocket Guide: Maximizing Immersive Learning for Agile Teams (the book is excellent but doesn’t really fit in your pocket), learning, and career pivots. Jess’s talk at Agile 2023 helped me reframe how I conceived of dojos as an intense learning environment, not a transformation technique.

Jess’s Bio

Jess is a dynamic coach, technologist, and author who has been involved in developing tech products since the mid-2000s. Jess attributes her diverse career experience as one of her greatest strengths because it enables her to coach with sincere empathy and experience. Former agile skeptic, Jess was eventually convinced by a colleague to give agile a try more than a decade ago. Her personal transformation was so impactful that Jess continues to contribute to the broader Agile community to this very day. Most recently Jess has poured her energy into immersive learning dojos as a preferred means of developing long-standing skills. She is the proud author of The Dojo Coach’s Pocket Guide.


Re-Read Saturday News

The epilogue was the end of the original version of Made to Stick: Why Some Ideas Survive and Others Die; later additions had extra material added. I am reading from the 26th printing. We will cover the extra material titled, Sticky Advice, next week. Today we’ll discuss the Epilogue, without wrapping the book up. It feels wrong 🙂 

I read this chapter more deeply knowing that there was more to come. It felt like less of a recap and more of how to use the book. Three items caught my attention during this read. 

Buy a copy of the book and then catch up on the logistics of this re-read:

Week 1: Announcement and Logistics 

Week 2: Introduction 

Week 3: Simple 

Week 4: Unexpected 

Week 5: Concrete 

Week 6: Credible 

Week 7: Emotional 

Week 8: Stories 

Week 9: Epilogue 


In the Software Process and Measurement Cast 771, we will complete our summer theme on critical thinking. Critical thinking might sound esoteric or academic, however, I think that categorization is both wrong and misses the point. Critical thinking is a survival tool.

We will also have a visit from Jeremy Berriault and his Agile Corner.