In the essay today, prioritization requires a steady hand and consistency. The process for prioritization should have more in common with a well-oiled basketball or futbol team than five-year-olds playing soccer in the schoolyard. How the moving parts work together is a process, but in some circles, “process” is a dirty word.  

On the conversation side, Jeremy Berriault brings his QA Corner to the cast. We discuss test automation plans and strategies in agile. 

Upcoming Events

The Agile Online Summit! 

This Week!!  Tom Henricksen delivers one of the most innovative online conferences. This year he has upped the bar again! While you can attend the Summit for free, there are a number of innovative options to learn even more from the Summit. Please join the premier Agile Online Conference from October 25th to 27th, 2021.

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Re-Read Saturday News 

This week, we dive into Chapter 4 of Project to Product titled Capturing Flow Metrics. (Amazon Affiliate Link). Why capture flow metrics? The four components of the flow distribution reflect the investment pattern within the value stream. That pattern is a direct reflection of the value delivered by an organization.

Catch up on previous installments:

Week 1: Foreword and Introduction 

Week 2: Age of Software 

Week 3: From Project to Product 

Week 4: Introducing The Flow Framework

Week 5: Capturing Flow Metrics 


Next week another essay, perhaps even the promised Why Pragmatic Has Become Code For Half-assed.  We will also have a visit from Susan Parente with her I Am Not A Scrumdamentalist column.