Tony Timbol of Agile Ready joins the Software Process and Measurement Cast this week. Tony and I have worked together in a past life, so we had a bit of fun poking at each other as we talked about user stories, Tony’s new product, Agile Ready, and entrepreneurship. Tony delivers a number of great tips, some of which I already have put to use.   

Tony Timbol is an agile coach, trainer, and consultant with a 35-year history in technology and software development. Currently serving as an Enterprise Agile Coach for a large healthcare insurance provider, Tony teaches and coaches agile best practice principles, the SAFE framework specializing in the Product Owner role, and agile requirements authoring processes. Other interests include cooking, writing novels, and binge-watching sci-fi (no matter how bad).

Early in 2018 Tony conceptualized the Agile Ready Platform and began experimentation and preliminary design discussions with trusted friends and colleagues. This eventually led to a commitment to develop and launch the Agile Ready Platform in early 2021. 

Contact Data:



The Software Process and Measurement Cast is a proud media sponsor of the DevOps Online Summit. 

Not to put too fine a point on it, one of the best ways to get your message heard is to speak.  The crew at the DevOps Online Summit provides a phenomenal platform to network with fellow practitioners from all over the world. Start the journey to speaking at the DevOps Online Summit 2021 by submitting at

Re-Read Saturday News 

Today we take on Chapter73  of Great Big Agile, An OS for Agile Leaders by Jeff Dalton.  I read (and re-read) this chapter as two pieces.  The first part describes Jeff’s and Broadsword’s (his company) journey up to the point they decided to become agile. The background is important to understand why adopting the agile mindset and then the techniques was a natural step as the organization matured. The second part provides an example of applying the Agile Performance Holarchy.  Remember, buy a copy and read along. 

 In two weeks, we will begin Fixing Your Scrum: Practical Solutions to Common Scrum Problems (it is time to buy a copy).

This week’s installment can be found at

Previous installments:

Week 1: Re-read Logistics and Front Matters 

Week 2: The API Is Broken

Week 3: Performance Circle: Leading 

Week 4: Performance Circle: Providing 

Week 5: Performance Circle: Envisioning 

Week 6: Performance Circle: Crafting 

Week 7: Performance Circle: Affirming 

Week 8: Performance Circle: Teaming 

Week 9: Using The Agile Performance Holarchy – 


In the next cast, we are going back to the magazine format for a week. We will feature our essay titled, “Collaboration – Disconnected.” The improvement imperative is driven by the need to stay competitive at a holistic level. One would expect that continuous process improvement or continuous improvement would be discussed earnestly at every staff meeting at every level of an organization, and at every meeting. It isn’t.

We will also have a visit from Jon M. Quigley to talk quality from a product development point of view.