The Software Process and Measurement Cast 623 features my interview with Christian “Dr. Lambda” Clausen, author of  Five Lines of Code from Manning Publications. Dr. Lambda delivers advice on why refactoring is a necessity and how to refactor effectively.  Clean code is not an option, refactoring is a requirement for being good at coding. 

Buy a copy of the book at Manning using the code podspam20

The link is

Dr Lambda’s Bio

Christian “Dr. Lamda” Clausen works as a Technical Agile Coach teaching teams how to properly refactor their code. Previously he worked as a software engineer on the Coccinelle semantic patching project, an automated refactoring tool. He has an MSc in computer science and five years’ experience teaching software quality at a university level.


Twitter: @thedrlambda

Re-Read Saturday News 

Cue the eerie sound effects from low budget science fiction movies that signal time travel. After publishing our re-read of Chapter 19 last week, Steve Tendon sent me a message, “where is chapter 18?” I nearly responded right after chapter 17 but a little voice told me to check. Low and behold, I had not addressed Full-Kitting as Ongoing Executive Activity, otherwise known as chapter 18. Today, we go back in time and review the first chapter in Part 6 of Tame your Work Flow by Daniel Doiron and Steve Tendon. 

Week 1: Logistics and Front Matter

Week 2: Prologue (The Story of Herbie) –

Week 3: Explicit Mental Models 

Week 4: Flow Efficiency, Little’s Law and Economic Impact 

Week 5: Flawed Mental Models  

Week 6: Where To Focus Improvement Efforts 

Week 7: Introduction to Throughput Accounting and Culture 

Week 8: Accounting F(r)iction and  Show Me the Money 

Week 9: Constraints in the Work Flow and in the Work Process 

Week 10: Understanding PEST Environments and Finding the Constraint in PEST Environments 

Week 11: Drum-Buffer-Rope Scheduling 

Week 12: Portfolio Prioritization and Selection in PEST Environments 

Week 13: Flow Efficiency, DBR, and TameFlow Kanban Boards 

Week 14: Outcomes, Values, and Efforts in PEST Environments

Week 15: Introduction to Execution Management Signals 

Week 16: Introduction to Full Kitting 

Week 17: Execution Management in PEST Environments 


The Software Process and Measurement Cast 621 will feature our essay on why agile coaches need a code of ethics. It’s time for coaching to grow up and be a profession.

We will also complete the three conversation arc on grateful leadership from Susan Parente.