SPaMCAST 836 celebrates Halloween. Over the years instead of just one night, people decorate their houses and celebrate for at least a month – we love a party. In celebration of what has become the seventh-largest retail holiday in the United States, let’s take a spooky look at the outcome of poor work intake and celebrate that we can banish the spooks and shades of poor work intake.
We will also hear from Jeremy Berriault, who brings his Evolutionary Agilist column to the podcast. In this episode, we discuss the impact of adding new team members to a long-lived, high-performing team when the new person wants to strike out in a new direction.
Master Work Intake!
Join one of two upcoming Mastering Work Intake Workshops to help you learn to address IT’s nastiest, dirtiest little secret…poor work intake. The next two workshops are taking a compressed approach to help kickstart 2025! Seats are available on:
November 9th 9 AM EST – Noon EST
December 6th 9 AM EST Noon EST
More information and registration at
Simply put if you don’t control work intake IT CONTROLS YOU!
No workshops for you? Buy a copy of Mastering Work Intake and begin to take control of the flow of work for your team and organization.
Order a copy of the book from JRoss Publishing – or via Amazon –
Re-read Saturday News
Chapter 10 of Massimo Pigliucci’s How to Be a Stoic (buy a copy and read along) is titled Disability And Mental Illness. Sounds like a downer? It isn’t. The author begins this chapter by reminding us that Stoicism’s goal is to help people live the best life possible. He uses the stories of three people to illustrate how Stoicism can help people deal with difficult problems. I see this chapter as related to chapter 9’s discussion of role models.
Catch on all of the entries in the re-read of How To Be A Stoic by Massimo Pigliucci (buy a copy and read along)
Week 1: Logistics and Opening Thoughts
Week 2: The Unstraightforward Path
Week 3: A Roadmap For The Journey
Week 4: Some Things Are In Our Power, Others Are Not
Week 5: Live According To Nature
Week 6: Playing Ball With Socrates
Week 7: God or Atoms?
Week 8: It’s All About Character
Week 9: A Very Crucial Word
Week 10: The Role of Role Models
Week 11: Disability And Mental Illness
SPaMCAST 837 through 840 will be reruns of some of my favorite shows from the early 2000’s. I am off on a vacation. We will be back with new content with SPaMCAST 841