Another year has flown by, 2025 is near. The SPaMCAST 844 features our year-end panel discussion. This year Jeremy Willets, Jeremy Berriault, Susan Parente, Jon M Quigley and I discuss AI, Agile, mixing methods, and try to forecast what comes next. This episode is a cornucopia of opinions and frivolity.
Jeremy Berriault:
Susan Parente:
Jon M Quigley:
Jeremy Willets:
Master Work Intake!
It has been nearly a year since JRoss Publishing published Mastering Work Intake. Jeremy Willets and I believe our book and workshops have helped numerous organizations, teams, and most importantly people bring order out of chaos – at least that is what they tell us.
As the year winds down we are excited to offer a free 30-minute “office hours” session with us, we’ll facilitate the session to help you create a plan to tackle your work intake challenges. Book time with us here:
Also, consider buying your boss a copy of Mastering Work Intake (your work-life balance will approve).
Amazon (US) —
JRoss —
Re-read Saturday News
“Admit not sleep into your tender eyelids till you have reckoned up each deed of the day large – how have I erred, what done or left undone? So Start, and so review your acts, and then for vile deeds chide yourself, for good be glad.” – Epictetus
I have read and re-read the opening quote from Epictetus several times. I interpret the quote as a call for daily retrospectives. This is a practice that I do both personally and professionally. The word “try” reflects a lack of perfection and a requirement that I continue to work on the practice. Chapter 14 of How To Be A Stoic by Massimo Pigliucc is all about continuing to learn and practice.
Catch on all of the entries in the re-read of How To Be A Stoic by Massimo Pigliucci (buy a copy and read along)
Week 1: Logistics and Opening Thoughts
Week 2: The Unstraightforward Path
Week 3: A Roadmap For The Journey
Week 4: Some Things Are In Our Power, Others Are Not
Week 5: Live According To Nature
Week 6: Playing Ball With Socrates
Week 7: God or Atoms?
Week 8: It’s All About Character
Week 9: A Very Crucial Word
Week 10: The Role of Role Models
Week 11: Disability And Mental Illness
Week 12: On Death And Suicide
Week 13: How To Deal With Anger, Anxiety, And Loneliness
Week 14: Love and Friendship
Week 15: Practical Spiritual Exercises
The SPaMCAST 845 will feature our interview with David Minarsch. We will discuss AI, co-owned AI, multi-agent systems in complex environments, and governance. These are important topics to begin what portends to be a complex and dynamic year.