SPaMCAST 833 features our interview with Brian Vallelunga, founder & CEO at Doppler. Brian and I discuss the importance of managing secrets. Brian states, “Secrets are the keys to the kingdom.” Today any organization that does not secure the data they manage is asking for trouble (with a capital T).

Brian Vallelunga is the Founder and CEO of Doppler, the first secrets management platform for developers. Doppler empowers tens of thousands of engineering and DevOps teams to seamlessly orchestrate, govern, and manage their secrets across environments at scale. Brian has been featured in Forbes 30 Under 30 and worked at improving overall safety at Uber.



Master Work Intake!

Mastering Work Intake by Jeremy Willets and myself is your path to addressing IT’s nasty, dirty little secret…poor work intake. Simply put if you don’t control work intake IT CONTROLS YOU!  Buy a copy and begin to control the flow of work for your team and organization. 

Order a copy of the book from JRoss Publishing – or via Amazon – 

Re-read Saturday News

Recently, I have watched (read in the paper) the indictment of Eric Adams, mayor of NY (he resigned after I wrote this essay). While I understand that incitement and guilt are not synonymous, the words he has used in the past to define his character and his actions do not seem to be congruent. His character as defined by his actions (alleged) to a Stoic is found wanting.  This week’s chapter is all the more powerful with these current events as a backdrop.  

Chapter 7 begins the third section of How To Be A Stoic by Massimo Pigliucci (buy a copy and read along). The section title is The Discipline Of Action: How To Behave In The World. Action is the second core discipline of Stoicism. Chapter 7 is titled It’s All About Character (and Virtue). A better title might be “Hello Mr. Adam’s.

Catch on all of the entries in the re-read of  How To Be A Stoic by Massimo Pigliucci (buy a copy and read along)

Week 1: Logistics and Opening Thoughts

Week 2: The Unstraightforward Path  

Week 3: A Roadmap For The Journey

Week 4: Some Things Are In Our Power, Others Are Not

Week 5: Live According To Nature

Week 6: Playing Ball With Socrates

Week 7: God or Atoms?

Week 8: It’s All About Character


SPaMCAST 834 will feature twenty questions you can use to create work intake cognitive dissonance. Creating cognitive dissonance is important because if you can’t get people to question the status quo, you will never generate change.

We will also have a visit from Jon M. Quigley. Jon brings his Alpha and Omega of Product Development to the podcast.