Tom Cagley & Associates help organizations unlock the effectiveness of software development and maintenance teams by focusing on people, agility, and feedback.
We deliver the training, guidance, and coaching you need to make the transformation of your organization and team successful. We help you unlock the potential to improve cycle time, productivity, quality, morale, and customer satisfaction and develop the tools to prove it.
Those that control work entry, control the health of a team, and at a product level, the health of the organization. Messrs. Tendon and Doiron discuss portfolio and work entry... Read More
I have not worked outside of my home office since mid-April. There are lots of benefits to this change. My commute is really short, I run a lot more, I... Read More
How work enters an organization or team is almost always a touchy subject because for many it is the root of the pressure on teams to do more than they... Read More
The idea of an agile team toiling away trying to be agile in the face of a waterfall organization evokes a huge amount of passion. Tony Timbol, called to share... Read More
I participated in a panel discussion recently that had to wrestle with the question of why companies use agile. There are lots of good reasons, including improving delivery performance, increased... Read More
The discussion of whether a coach is using a directive or non-directive coaching approach is not an academic discussion. As a person that has held internal and external coach positions,... Read More