SPaMCAST 830 features a conversation with Jeremy Berriault. Jeremy has a new book, “Beyond The Framework: Cultivating Agile Growth” The back cover states, “Organizations that fail to embrace agility (small a-agiity) risk fading into obscurity.” we discussed the basic assumptions of agile and why business agility differs from adopting any specific agile framework.  

Buy a copy of the book:

Check out Jeremy’s Company website: 

Master Work Intake!

This episode is brought to you by Mastering Work Intake by Jeremy Willets and myself. Buy a copy and begin to control the flow of work for your team and organization. Simply put, if you don’t control work intake IT CONTROLS YOU!

Order a copy of the book from the publisher –  or  via Amazon – 

Re-read Saturday News

Chapter 5 of How To Be A Stoic by Massimo Pigliucci (buy a copy and read along) is titled Playing Ball With Socrates. The author uses a sports analogy in the chapter to illustrate why we can be indifferent towards something and that something is still important. This chapter dives into the thorny concepts of preferred and dispreferred indifferences. 

Week 1: Logistics and Opening Thoughts

Week 2: The Unstraightforward Path  

Week 3: A Roadmap For The Journey

Week 4: Some Things Are In Our Power, Others Are Not

Week 5: Live According To Nature

Week 6: Playing Ball With Socrates


SPaMCAST 831 will feature our essay on how to improve prioritization and work intake when using consensus-groupthink techniques. 

Jeremy Berriault will return with his Evolutionary Agilist column to round out SPaMCAST 831.