Patterns Podcast News:

The second installment of the Patterns (video) Podcast is available on YouTube at  Ben Woznicki and I discuss #NoProjects.  #NoProjects reimagines the classic organization of work that has a definite beginning and end (limited duration) often with a temporary organization as an ongoing operation. If reading is more your style, I wrote an essay on the topic simply titled #NoProjects in 2019  I will publish an audio version of the Patterns Podcast soon.  Ben and I would like your feedback on the video podcast and ideas for future episodes.  Reach out at or

The Software Process and Measurement Cast is a media sponsor for the following great events:

Rust Conference

Let’s talk about #Rust! Sep 15, at the live@Manning conference; in one Rust-full day go from ways to learn it, to where and how to use it; from game-dev to aerospace and beyond, right from the pincers of expert Rustaceans.

Women in Tech Conference

We still have a long way to go to achieve diversity, inclusion, and equality in technology. Our contribution is the live@Manning “Women in Tech” online conference, Oct 13, starring the women rocking the tech boat! 

Agile Online Summit 2020

The Agile Online Summit was created for people who couldn’t attend major conferences. This will be its third year, and the main goal is to bring major level agile speakers to people all over the world as well as spotlight some up and coming agile coaches and trainers.  October 26th to 30th, 2020, Live and recorded too. 

New Website News: is up and running. While there is still work to be done, for example we will be moving content from the separate podcast and blog sites to their new home over the next few months (or years). We will also be revamping the newsletter. I am targeting the first edition of the new newsletter for September 15th so signup at