The Software Process and Measurement Cast 772 features our interview with Ahmed Wasfy. We discuss the role of the engineering manager and how people learn to be engineering managers. Coming to grips with the new role requires learning new skills not just rehashed technical skills. Ahmed, advises new leaders to take control of their careers and not to be a victim.

Ahmed is an experienced engineering leader, having led teams at Microsoft, Amazon, and Google. In addition to his day job, Ahmed also helps engineering managers become effective leaders through his coaching.





Re-Read Saturday News

After the conclusion of Made to Stick: Why Some Ideas Survive and Others Die, there are three brief sections with practical tips for making ideas memorable.  The dust cover states, “With Added Material (now even stickier)”. The added material provides more food for thought for using Made to Stick. 

Buy a copy of the book and then catch up on the logistics of this re-read:

Week 1: Announcement and Logistics 

Week 2: Introduction 

Week 3: Simple 

Week 4: Unexpected 

Week 5: Concrete 

Week 6: Credible 

Week 7: Emotional 

Week 8: Stories 

Week 9: Epilogue 

Week 10: Added Material 

Week 11: Final Thoughts 


The Software Process and Measurement Cast 773 will feature our essay on why as professionals we should strive to grow a little every day.

We will also have a visit from Jon M. Quigley who brings his Alpha and Omega of Product Development column to the podcast!