Over the years we have explored a wide range of books on Saturdays. Sometimes our re-reads reflect the real world outside software development.  For example, in 2018  we re-read Bad Blood, Secrets and Lies in a Silicon Valley Startup by John Carreyrou, the story of Theranos and Elizabeth Anne Holmes. This year Ms. Holmes went to prison. While I don’t expect prison sentences for the subjects in the books we read in 2022, I expect the knowledge in the books we tackled to have a broader impact on the world.  In the past year, we have re-read 3.4 books – 40% is the progress on the current book according to Kindle. 

This year’s roster of books began with Agile Conversations by Douglas Squirrel and Jeffrey Fredrick. The book reinforces that people are the core of knowledge work. Knowing how to have the right conversations is more than just a good idea, it is a path to delivering value.


Week 1: Logistics and Introductionhttps://bit.ly/3EZspxT 

Week 2: Escaping The Software Factoryhttps://bit.ly/3HIlivg 

Week 3: Improving Your Conversationshttps://bit.ly/3ty0nYe 

Week 4: The Trust Conversationhttps://bit.ly/3ApUrSk 

Week 5 The Fear Conversation (Part 1)https://bit.ly/3gahSpt 

Week 6 The Fear Conversation (Part 2)https://bit.ly/34lLON4 

Week 7 The Why Conversation (Part 1) https://bit.ly/3Jg6KE2 

Week 8 The Why Conversation (Part 2)  – https://bit.ly/34YAsPc

Week 9 The Commitment Conversation –  https://bit.ly/3pmaooj 

Week 10 The Accountability Conversationhttps://bit.ly/3KCJXD1 

Week 11 Conclusion and Morehttps://bit.ly/3wlGSn8

The second book of 2022 that we re-read was one of my all-time favorites, Why Limit WIP: We Are Drowning In Work by Jim Benson. Over my career in helping, teams and organizations change it has become clear to me that the control of work entry is a huge determinant of whether anything other than change at a glacial to takes root (note, change at a glacial pace works well in geology but rarely is effective in the workplace). Work entry and WIP are intertwined. I am on a crusade to fix work entry; Why Limit WIP provides ammunition for that battle.  

The entries in the re-read are:

Week 1: Preface, Foreword, Introduction, and Logistics https://bit.ly/3iDezbp

Week 2: Processing and Memory https://bit.ly/3qYR4yg 

Week 3: Completion https://bit.ly/3usMiLm

Week 4: Multitasking https://bit.ly/37hUh5z 

Week 5: Context Switching https://bit.ly/3K8KADF 

Week 6: Creating An Economy https://bit.ly/3F1XKkZ 

Week 7: Healthy Constraints – https://bit.ly/3kM8xqh 

Week 8: Focus https://bit.ly/3PkE0hg 

Week 9: Awareness https://bit.ly/3LBZfIl 

Week 10: Communication https://bit.ly/39Tji7Q 

Week 11: Learning https://bit.ly/38HQNtJ 

Week 12: Epilogue and Final Notes https://bit.ly/3y3LH4M 

The third book began our coaching arc with the classic Coaching Agile Teams. The book is a tale of two themes. The first is a book of philosophy and the second is a how-to book full of techniques. The full value of this book requires two readings. The first time I read the book, I took the how-to path. This time the philosophies of agile coaching were more important to me than any individual technique. If you are or are ever going to be a coach this should be the first book you read. 

The entries in the re-read are:

Week 1: Logistics and Introduction https://bit.ly/3A1aNTe 

Week 2: Will I Be A Good Coach https://bit.ly/3nzDAHg 

Week 3: Expect High Performance https://bit.ly/3Rl4fFf 

Week 4: Master Yourself https://bit.ly/3zL8t2n 

Week 5: Let Your Style Change https://bit.ly/3Q8zHWa 

Week 6: Coach as Coach-Mentor https://bit.ly/3QLcSIi 

Week 7: Coach as Facilitator https://bit.ly/3AaP5KY 

Week 8: Coach As Teacher – https://bit.ly/3AURGdL 

Week 9: Coach As Problem Solver https://bit.ly/3C06Gr7 

Week 10: Coach As Conflict Navigator https://bit.ly/3R6tmuc 

Week 11: Coach As Collaboration Conductor https://bit.ly/3fXoHOs 

Week 12: Agile Coach Failure, Recovery, and Success Modes – https://bit.ly/3T0FluQ 

Week 13: When Will I Get There? and It’s Your Journey https://bit.ly/3MAe00v 

Week 14: Final Thoughts https://bit.ly/3z6zJaA  

We close 2022 in the middle of re-reading Extraordinarily Badass Agile Coaching: The Journey from Beginner to Mastery and Beyond (Amazon Associate Link – buy a copy or two and give them to friends). Bob Galen and his co-authors have crafted a book that is destined to be a classic in the agile coaching profession. The book establishes a model defining not only what an agile coach is but a path for growth.  

The entries are:

Week 1: Logistics and Forewordshttps://bit.ly/3zoAYlx 

Week 2: Introduction to Badassery in Agile Coachinghttps://bit.ly/3hcEPMs 

Week 3: The Mindset of the Badass Agile Coachhttp://bit.ly/3Eu0qJu 

Week 4: Agile Coaching Frameworkshttp://bit.ly/3Ok60S7 

Week 5: Badass Agile Coaching Agreementshttps://bit.ly/3iylnKM 

Week 6: Badass Agile Coach Arcshttps://bit.ly/3W4Mzzg 

Week 7: Badass Agile Coaching Operating Systemhttps://bit.ly/3hCZ86s 

I am looking forward to reading and learning with all of you in 2023.