The majority of work entry problems are caused by eight problems. The eight problems often occur in clusters and are a reflection of organizational culture.  Knowing that there are eight problems is useful when they can be recognized. Unless people wear their motivations on signs hung around their neck, recognition requires conversation and observation.  Fixing any problem starts with recognizing that problem. 

We will also have a visit from Susan Parente who brings her, Not A Scrumdamentalist column to the podcast. Today Susan and I discuss the concept of Hybrid Agile and the new book Hybrid Project Management that Susan wrote with Mark Tolbert

The Software Process and Measurement Cast is a proud media sponsor of the Global Scrum Master Summit. 

The First Global Scrum Master Summit

Week of May 17th, 2021, Live and Recorded

Organized by the Scrum Master Toolbox Podcast

The Software Process and Measurement Cast is a proud media sponsor of the DevOps Online Summit. 

Next Week!  The DevOps Online Summit is nearly here!  During the week of  April 26th – 30th Tom Henricksen and crew will deliver the third summit. The goal is to bring together 5000 DevOps professionals.  Grab a ticket!

Re-Read Saturday News 

Chapter 10 in Fixing Your Scrum, Practical Solutions to Common Scrum Problems, by Ryan Ripley and Todd Miller, dives into planning. Sprint planning is one of the major events in Scrum. All sprints should start with planning (not planning is one of the silliest but common antipatterns).

 If you have not bought your copy — what are you waiting for? Fixing Your Scrum: Practical Solutions to Common Scrum Problems 

This Week’s Installment 

Week 10: Sprint Planning 

Previous Installments

Week 1: Re-read Logistics and Front Matter 

Week 2: A Brief Introduction To Scrum, and Why Scrum Goes Bad 

Week 3: Breaking Bad Scrum with a Value-Driven Approach 

Week 4: The Product Owner 

Week 5: The Product Backlog 

Week 6: The Development Team 

Week 7: Embracing The Scrum Master Role – 

Week 8: Management 

Week 9:  Thinking In Sprints 


In the next SPaMCAST, Alex Omeyer and I talk about technical debt.  Everyone uses the term and sometimes they even mean the same thing!  Mr. Omeyer describes why tech debt is such an important concept, how we can agree on a definition, and how to measure it.