The Software Process and Measurement Cast 621 features our essay on why agile coaches need a code of ethics. Agile is practiced in nearly every culture. Each culture has its own definition of duty and of right and wrong. Coaches help to establish and address the client’s needs by leveraging approaches that align with the values and principles of the Agile Manifesto. It’s time for coaching to grow up and be a profession.

We also have part 2 of Susan Parente’s discussion of grateful leadership. Susan discussed how to keep grateful leadership fresh as part of her Not A Scrumdamentalist column. I will play part 3 in SPaCAST 623.

Part 1: SPaMCAST 617 – 

Re-Read Saturday News 

We are back with Chapter 17 in our re-read of  Steve Tendon and Daniel Doiron’s  Tame your Work Flow. Full Kitting is an important concept! Use the link to buy a copy of the book and support the authors and blog!  

Week 1: Logistics and Front Matter

Week 2: Prologue (The Story of Herbie) –

Week 3: Explicit Mental Models 

Week 4: Flow Efficiency, Little’s Law and Economic Impact 

Week 5: Flawed Mental Models  

Week 6: Where To Focus Improvement Efforts 

Week 7: Introduction to Throughput Accounting and Culture 

Week 8: Accounting F(r)iction and  Show Me the Money 

Week 9: Constraints in the Work Flow and in the Work Process 

Week 10: Understanding PEST Environments and Finding the Constraint in PEST Environments 

Week 11: Drum-Buffer-Rope Scheduling 

Week 12: Portfolio Prioritization and Selection in PEST Environments 

Week 13: Flow Efficiency, DBR, and TameFlow Kanban Boards 

Week 14: Outcomes, Values, and Efforts in PEST Environments

Week 15: Introduction to Execution Management Signals 

Week 16: Introduction to Full Kitting 

The Software Process and Measurement Cast is a proud sponsor of the following event!

Agile Online Summit 2020

The Agile Online Summit was created for people who couldn’t attend major conferences. This will be its third year, and the main goal is to bring major level agile speakers to people all over the world as well as spotlight some up and coming agile coaches and trainers.  October 26th to 30th, 2020, Live and recorded too. 


The Software Process and Measurement Cast 622 will feature my interview with Brian Gill, CEO at Gillware.  In the age of hacking and ransomware, we discussed the importance of cybersecurity and data recovery (pssst…its important).