This week Dave Nicolette, author of Software Development Metrics from Manning Publications, and I talk about pragmatically using metrics. Dave and I talked about the value teams get from measurement regardless of the approach you are taking to deliver value. Measurement is feedback and measurement is leadership for guiding and improving how work is done.   

After you have listened I think you will want a copy of Dave’s book on metrics.  Use the link:  Also, yes there is more, you say you don’t want to pay full price?  Use the discount code podspam20 to get a 40% discount code (good for all Manning products in all formats).

Dave’s Bio:

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Dave started his career in information technology in 1977 as an application programmer. Since then he has worked in a variety of roles in different industries. Currently, he works as a consultant, coach, and trainer focusing on effective software delivery methods and process improvement.

LinkedIn: Dave Nicolette | LinkedIn

Dave’s Website: Books – NeoPragma LLC

Re-Read Saturday News 

This week we head into Chapter 1 of  Great Big Agile, An OS for Agile Leaders by Jeff Dalton. In many organizations, there is a disconnect between the real culture and the stated culture, which is one of the leading reasons organizational change fails. The mind shift of becoming agile exposes gaps between the real and aspirational culture that, if not addressed, cause pain as long as the institutional memory exists.

Remember, buy a copy and read along. 

This week’s installment 

Week 2: The API Is Broken –

Previous installments:

Week 1: Re-read Logistics and Front Matters 


Next week we are staying with metrics and Manning Publications for a chat with Christopher W H Davis, author of Agile Metrics in Action, How to Measure and Improve Team Performance. Combining ‘metics’ and ‘agile’ is not an oxymoron.